Transcript | Annotation |Source:89-4286-C-3-A-1 (37-41) | Month Index
Had breakfast. Did some laundry, using Edith’s basket. Spent the rest of the morning putting away my belongings and rearranging them before lunch. Had a conversation with Lois on Barbara’s desires. We are not sure what it is she is dissatisfied with, whether the administration is concerned that we divided the adult classes so that she has an equal share, and so on. I had suggested to Barb that she come to afternoon meeting with Ava and we discuss the matter together.
Had lunch. Got some supplies from Inez.
From 12.00 to 2.00 I worked on the school pavilion on the grid for the map, putting 3 inch squares on the paper sacks. Some of the adult students helped, especially Martha [last name to be filled in later]. When we were about half way through, Rob Christian came by and we questioned him about our materials. He said we were doing it right.
I took a shower.
Prepared my weekly adult education report. At 4.00 went to the pavilion to meet with Ava and
Lois. Barb didn’t come. Ava sent word that she could not make it. I went home and typed my report.
Went to dinner. Sat in the pavilion and listened to the news, became sleepy and missed some of it.
No paper arrived so we’ll have oral test. Much work to be done. So I propose early night so we can work full day tomorrow. Guests coming including Parallax man who has evidence CIA involved in conspiracy against us.
Don Jackson says he is a chauvinistic, manipulating male who is swearing off relationships with women for three months.
Jim started with alphabetical line-up, asking questions that a stranger might ask. Machinists were first, because they want to go early. Came out that a child has a bone problem the US doctors didn’t find. We’re sending him to Surinam.
After about finishing the “B’s,” Jim moves on to questions in preparation for visitors. Jim started news questions. The Guyanese judge in Jon’s custody case turned over the case to another judge, saying he couldn’t make a decision. The arrest order is not in effect.
Tim Carter wanted Carolyn Looman on the floor. She said she was very disturbed about one section of a meeting in which she said something about unconscious treason. He thinks she should have said this directly to Jim, must have been looking for sympathy from him. Jim says he thought that she thought Phil Tracy was overly friendly to the cause. He never was.
Jim describes problem we have with liberal socialists who are hedonists. We have reason to believe that one of the people who were out was an agent. She doesn’t remember saying those words. Jim questioned her closely, advised her to write up any such thoughts she had.
Jim on seniors standing in the line: Sad, how callous people are. Read Pam Bradshaw’s letter on reaction from movie “Hearts and Minds.” People talking idly after seeing such horror as massacred babies.
Joicy Clark brings on the floor charges of favoritism in kitchen serving tea to night workers. Mumbling in audience against Joicy but Jim perceived that people “dump things” on Joicy and she is only one with gumption to get up and talk. Robin Tschetter, Mary Tschetter, Lew Jones in question.
Then attention shifted to Annie B. Washington who was said to have left a plate with food on it. She denies this but isn’t very precise. Alma Thomas complained that somebody had been eating fried chicken in the laundry overnight and left the bones there. Alma confirmed this that she and Ida were talking about it and Joicy overheard this. Mary Lenin Tupper charged Mary Griffith with theft of a pair of pants. Jury found Mary G. not guilty.
Jan Wilsey charged with preferring outsiders (Amerindians) to our own members. She was outside of Jonestown on business and delayed longer than necessary said to have a friend outside. Evelyn Leroy had met a man who wanted to get a passport from her to join his wife in the United States. Jan had been out too late and Patty Cartmell was worried about her. Mary Wotherspoon said she had to push her. Their versions differ. Jim said we had to scrutinize everyone who had outside contacts. Debbie’s defection started in Georgetown with a man who set her up.
Review of people on PSU.
Jim had hoped to let us out by 12.00. Wants us to work full day tomorrow as time needed for preparing for guests. It however was 1.30 before we were through. We were to get up at 8.00, breakfast at 9.00. Also said we’d have to skip treats this week. Expense of sugar. Strain on supplies because of so many praises and excellents on tests.
Dinner was good tonight, a curry dish on a fried cassava cake. Still hungry after I finished mine. Didn’t get seconds. Came down after rally but couldn’t be served until snacks (for those underweight or with snack problems) were; then we got only rice and sugar.
Went home to bed at 2.00.