Edith Roller – August 1, 1978 – Tuesday

Transcript  |  Annotation  | Source: 89-4286-C-3-A-1 (3-4) (PDF)| Month Index

Had bkfst

Bruce Oliver, who repairs clocks + watches for members, gave back to me my clock which had stopped running a week + a half or so ago

Worked on adult sch records – on my list of those who have been attending I entered the info I have collected so far as their ages, level of schooling, disabilities which may interfere w/ reading + writing + the dates attended during the last part of July – I have a column for indicating their level of competence

Went to lunch

Lois [Ponts] + I met our adult class – another lge grp was in attendance – the day was very hot + we all sweltered under the sch pavilion tent – I searched for another place – the rice pavilion tent is cooler, but the sch classes met there at 1.00 – we also needed more chalkbd space but I had to manage w/ the two we had – I wrote on the board statements summarizing the points in the questions asked by J + then asked a question to bring out knowl. and reasoning abil, – Lois meanwhile answered questions + explained bkgrnd –  we finished all but about six questions. Lois, w/the assistance of MaryAnn Cassanova, moved to the place under Dorm 4 where the rice is sorted – the workers could listen as they worked – it is cool in this spot

I took a shower

I finished recording all the info I have at present on my adult class – in so doing, I have sorted out my files too, so that I am better prepared, know what I still have to do, + know where to find everything – a different probl as I keep all my writing materials in my crate, tog w/my t.w., books I am using, h.s. records, teachers’ records, sewing materials and materials for personal care – clothes I keep in my suitcase + under my mattress, as well as sheets + towels

Went for dinner – wk ended at 6.00 tn instead of 6.30, so I went early – we had chicken dumplings

After dinner I went to the pavilion to listen to the (bonus) news – I had promised some of my class members to help them with questions I had not finished during class + went back to the cottage for them while they saved me a seat – but I had left my padlock key in my bag so couldn’t bring them back – as the news being played in the pavilion was the review material I went to the library to see what Teresa had put on the board

Signed in at the pavilion – then listened to Jim’s newscast.

J came in late – he dictated the written exam – there were four main questions but 2 of them had numerous items – it was a good test, probably prepared by Dick Tropp and Jann Gurvich –  I think I answered all the questions satisfactorily – the 2 class members sitting beside me, peeped at their notes and also asked questions of each other, though I warned them against this, people who finished early were asked to help those who couldn’t write

The soc teachers assigned graded the tests at the side of the pavilion – not all helped who were on the list; each of us had 25 to 30 tests – the light was poor and I had to give those in which the handwriting was poor or which were dimly written in print to someone else.

Meanwhile the mtng went on w/disc of some agricultural problems and disciplinary maters – the jury was used in some cases – one case involved hostile behavior by a March girl, Alfreda, on the banana crew.

The brooms made by Ken Norton from the materials were displayed – they looked very fine.

On most topics I cd not concentrate.

At one point J made some remarks on reincarnation, which I did pay attention to – he was trying to discourage speculation concerning astrology and reincarnation also on the grounds that they make people think the universe works according to a plan, which will work out inevitably; it is not meant to do anything. He said he had insights that reincarnation is a fact but it meant nothing.

Useful except that it would prevent suicide if one realized he would come back for eons of time, so many generations. Poignantly Jim said that even though true, he did not understand why, as it seemed to him he just had to go through the same thing as before.

Athletes foot was mentioned – most of the membership suffers from it – it seems to be a different type of fungus than we had in the States – J said several different disinfectants were being experimented with on the shower floor and research will be conducted on remedies, some of them obtained from abroad

Although it was very late Jim took up another matter – Norman Ijames, after having been gone for six months, had informed the Temple he would be returning this wk – he had not communicated with his wife Judy and child, had sent no money – he had been reported with another woman, some of our people had talked to him while in Miami, though he had been offered a job at the airport in Georgetown he was flying on lines that did not bring him in to Guyana – the fact that he is a pilot may have some significance with regard to his activities in view of the aerial surveillance of Jonestown by the National Enquirer plane and reports of planned mercenary attacks on us – many members spoke of Norm’s characteristics: spoiled by his parents, cherished as the only son, avoidance of physical labor, pride in his appearance, which made it possible that he could have deserted to our enemies

J said that the government had told us the CIA had a plant in our membership who might come hereNorm’s positive relations with his sisters, particularly Vicki Moore were discussed and various members told of incidents involving Norm – Ruth X when she was telephone operator in LA and Norm had told her he would be getting messages under an assumed name and when she received one she was to get in touch with him immediately – she had assumed he was on Temple business – she could not remember the name now

I got on the floor and told of the episode when I gave Norm a letter to friends in Bechtel, asked him to mail it from Caracas where his new job would take him – his plans changed and the letter would have to be mailed from Florida, he had told me – J said Norm had been meticulous about giving him info concerning messages he had been asked to deliver – J said people would be assigned to be with Norm and no one else is to have any conversation with him

The mtng did not end until about 3.30 I was in bed at 4.00.