Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-8-77-82 | Month Index
After getting my time card in, I did not have a minute to myself all day except at lunch. I spent the greatest amount of time on Maggie’s project on regulations concerning engineers’ work in the various states. Did a draft for Carolyn Thon on proposed legislation to prevent discrimination in foreign assistance programs, took some dictation from John Bramer on a patent matter and proofread a 7 page agreement with Chuck Hedeman’s secretary.
Ate lunch on the PG&E steps, then set in the sun without my glasses so as to get the sun which was warm.
Betty did not leave after work until about 5.30. While waiting I mentioned Betty’s income tax problems to Dorothy, found she was not very sympathetic. She used to sit near her and heard her on the telephone, thought she had her mind too much on property and was interested in getting as much as she could from her ex-husband.
Betty meant to get on the freeway and leave it at Fell Street, as she has been doing lately, but she made a mistake and we had to go around by Monterey. She stopped at her house to get her mail and showed me what she had moved in to each room. Then she drove me home by way of Laguna Honda and Lincoln way. I got home at 6.30.
I finished packing. Heated food and ate and dressed. Had to leave the dishes.
Bob Christian phoned me that his car was being used at the church, that Brother Farris would give us a ride. I hurried and was ready to leave with them at about 7.40. I took along with my luggage a can of apple juice to give for the Chicago trip. Supplies were requested on the message last night.
Not many seemed to be in service tonight.
Jim on podium at 9.10. Led us in congregational singing.
Jim took offering. His words were inspirational.
Everyone is expected to deliver newspapers. We are giving them baby food to start with, but later on the fare will be stronger.
A film of the organizing of black workers in Detroit was shown. The sound was not very clear.
(1) Can we trust Tom Hayden? Jim: Better than Tunney, but you can’t depend on traditional parties.
(2) The man who wanted to ask about witchcraft when the reporter was here tried again. Jim stopped him, annoyed after having tried twice to get him on the subject. Remarks on “stupid religion.”
(3) Possibility of coalition between back and white workers. Jim: not much yet but if they get their heads beaten in together it will help. The only way for the workers to win is to overcome racism.
(4) Joicy Clark asked about statement about Ford being stupid. Jim said he doesn’t have a very good memory but then the American people don’t have a very good memory. Red-baiting is a real danger. Cited Rockefeller, suggestion to Jackson’s staff member being a con. Reagan’s charge that Ford soft on communism. I cannot see an orderly transition to socialism in this country. Can if the people were united.
You have no choice. Cleaver and Patty Hearst aren’t safe. Cleaver now in jail, though he sold out.
(5) Progressive Labor Party sincere? Jim: Trouble with all these parties they unwilling to follow one leader. Go 40 different ways. We have been more successful than any of them. Got out many more political prisoners. Socialists unwilling to face defeat. Unfair to tell people America is sure to become socialist. They have to have an alternative. That’s why I built a p.l. Some won’t work in the church. While the church is the obvious place to work, the leadership is always on an ego trip. They won’t separate the silver from the lure of capitalism. Some of you are wearing diamonds. Some of you still smoke. Don’t trust anyone who can’t stop smoking. Some of you would sell out if you couldn’t eat for two days. He spoke of teeth wiring. I’ve got a damn bitch in here who can’t even lose with her mouth wired shut. He talked of sex. I don’t trust anybody to fuck. Bring the money back except me.
Last night Mayor Freitas, Sheriff here talking about how good Jim Jones is. Got it on the record. Jim explained how he got politicians to talk about Jim Jones. Use it on TV when the newspaper attacks. They thought they’d talk about community problems. Sheriff wouldn’t go away. His life is empty. Why I turned down Human Rights Commission post. They just talk. Want Planning Commission, an airport Commission. Get jobs for you.
Talked about Coca Cola revolutionaries. Why should my older people go to jail on account of lazy, good for nothing young mother fuckers.
More on sex. Advantage woman has. Man can’t think about it and washing at same time.
On Jesus and Mary. Believe in God. Trouble with blacks. “God must not like me.”
“Why does this happen to me?” Got to get God out of their minds. The almighty should have left his dick in his drawers. They’re letting all these god damn gurus come over here from India. Teach there is no reality. Matter doesn’t exist.
On the Bible. Poison. Went through creation story, pointing out its absurdity, explained he had 15 new people. Hadn’t taught this for weeks. Some here think Jesus is coming, say “pray for me.”
After a healing session, Jim dismissed the meeting at about 1.00 o’clock.
We were delayed a long time as the buses were blocked in the parking lot. When number 3 did get out, it was driven up in a different place than usual and I was late in getting on. Young people already boarded and since there was a huge crowd because of Jim’s demand that everyone not working should got to LA I had a hard time getting a seat. Marie Lawrence displaced a young person next to her. Thus the relationship between us was improved.
When people were settled on the bus, I got off and ate my lunch.
The buses did not leave until 4.00.