Edith Roller – April 21, 1976 – Wednesday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-8-70-75 | Month Index

Betty phoned a little after 7.00 and I told her I wouldn’t be going to work this morning as I had a medical appointment.

I ate breakfast and dressed.

Walked to O’Farrell Street to the Kaiser Medical Building for my appointment at 9.20 with Dr. Charles Herbert and I was first examined by Dr. Herbert. To him I explained the two matters which were troubling me: the cramps I get in the legs at night and the discharge from my throat.  He ordered a number of lab tests.  I had an electrocardiogram.  Samples of blood and urine were taken and a chest x-ray made.  Sometimes I had considerable waits and 3 times I had to remove my clothes and put them on again.  After I had seen the doctor, I had phoned Dor to see how busy she was.  I could have finished the required tests another day.  Dor told me to continue.

I got through at 1.00 o’clock.  Had intended to take a taxi to the Bart station but didn’t see one.  I walked to the Bart Station on Market, stopping to eat my lunch at the park on Turk St.  Took Bart to Montgomery Street, then walked to Bechtel’s arriving about 3.00.

Betty Vasil had brought some jonquils for Dor and me, in observance of National Secretary’s day.

I had made some errors in the ATS corrections I did Tuesday.  Dor had corrected those on Rita Schuman’s contract, for Rita wanted a printout today. She kept making changes in the document.  I corrected the errors in Abbott’s contracts.

I tried to write yesterday’s journal entry but Dor was in a conversational mood and I could not concentrate.

Betty took me home, starting half an hour after the close of business.  I got home about 6.00.

I distributed to each of the apartments in the building a copy of the latest issue of the Temple newspaper, putting them under the doors.

Ate some of the food prepared last night.

Changed clothes.

Christians left for the service about 7.45.

Got a seat easily as attendance was sparse yet.

Announcements and testimonials were heard.

Jim took offering during which he told of receiving a box with white flowers and a threatening letter telling of what had happened to others.  Attempts have also been made to bribe him to desert this family so that it can be destroyed.  Others in the commune have been receiving harassing phone calls.

Jeanette Kerns has been cleared to go to Iran on a job.  The Shah is one of the worst enemies of the people.  She, he knows, had to tell everything she knows about everybody in the Temple, including her mother.  She will have to inform on everybody she encounters in Iran, but even this will not save her.

Jim described the treatment given to finks by those who use them.  Hitler had the Jews who sold out other Jews castrated and marked. “Everybody hates a fink.”

Jim had been out in the neighborhood talking to the people.  He found more respect than he receives sometimes “in here.”  He told how some communalists take advantages in wanting reimbursement for all kinds of luxuries they should do without.  Administration is going to be stricter.  Also in work performed, some do much, others get by without serving.

He complained of rudeness in the kitchen among the workers, rudeness to people in the food line and negative treatment received by some who work all night and haven’t time for regular meals.

Little Ronald Campbell was brought on the floor.  Even after being up all night with the toothbrush, he bit a little girl today.  Jim assigned him to work again all night.  Jim had Dave Garrison bite him so that he knows what it feels like.

Rochelle Kemp would not get up to go to school on time.  This is a pattern with her.  Jim’s decision: she’ll stay here, work all night.  Jack Beam says same applies to Jim Arthur (Jimbo) Jones [Bishop].  He himself has to wake him up.  He also has to work all night.

Poncho [Gary Johnson], one of the security guard, on floor.  He thinks he’s above menial tasks.  Had been assigned to pick up paper which had blown against the fence.  He was defensive.  Jim says at least 3 witnesses against him, don’t debate.  Ted, security supervisor, says he’s selfish, lazy.  His mother, Mary [Johnson] Rogers, attacked him verbally, then started slapping him.  Wouldn’t stop when ordered by Jim.  Anita Kelley says she is to blame for his attitude.  She makes negative comments while working in the kitchen.  Jim says her attitude is brusque, an involved discussion took place between her, Mrs. Garrison, Millie Cunningham and Tish LeRoy about who said what about whom.  Jim said: too much gossip, not enough talking to each other.  In one instance, different accounts of what had been said could not be straightened out. Jim got a revelation that the one who is lying will be the first to have a stroke.  Poncho had been assigned to work all night.

Jim repeated his warning about suicide.  Anyone committing suicide will go back 500 generations, 10,000 years.

More letter writing has to be done tonight.  Jim had the names of those who had not written their letters.  They are to stay and write them.

A young white man had told Claudia X, who had broken a tool while rehearsing for a skit, how to get out of paying for it.  She had reported him.  Jim assigned him the pamphleting penalty.  Jim spoke of infiltrators who are found in every organization.  We much report anyone noticed doing anything suspicious.  The infiltrators are always the ones who incite to radical behavior.  They usually leave when required to work.

Rory Bargeman (Macon) was on the floor again.  He has a bad attitude, bad grades. He’s uncooperative at school and home. Dresses badly.  Jim said: this minute he’s out of Redwood Valley, stays here, works all night tonight and tomorrow.

Rita Cordell and Joyce Johnson were brought on floor for bad attitude.  Jim became infuriated at “honkey look” on Joyce’s face, as if “you’re better than us,” “as if your shit doesn’t smell.”  “There ain’t no alabaster ass in here.”  They are to be on Saturday night detail in LA.

Jim displayed a pornographic magazine which was found in the publications office in Redwood Valley.  He expressed astonishment at the content.  Said the “dicks” portrayed were plastic ones added to photographs of the people depicted.  He said: Don’t take this kind of thing to Redwood Valley.

A man from LA had done only one security shift..  He says he came up only to pass out newspapers.  He didn’t come up to do work San Francisco people ought to do.  Jim: get his toothbrush, he’s to work tonight.

The new edition of the newspaper is to go out Friday morning.  Names were taken of those who will distribute it.  Jim said we have to put out 70,000 papers a day.

Jim:  We’ll have no trouble makers in any school.  If you cause trouble in San Francisco, we’ll transfer you to the alligator farm.

Jim took a final offering.

After a brief meditation period, the service was dismissed at 12.10.

Christians left immediately.  They told me the house they live in is being sold.  They may have to move.  If they do, they’ll move into a commune.  The rent is being raised.  They didn’t know whether Magnolia would stay.

I washed dishes.

Read newspapers.  Fell asleep in my chair and didn’t get up and go to bed until 3.00.