Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-8-66-67 | Month Index
Dorothy phoned that her son had had to do some work on the car so she would be later. She didn’t arrive for an hour. She was very nervous and tired all day. She said she had worked in her garden and done some macramé.
O’Neill was ill and Garb gave us both work. I did a memo for Casper Weinberger’s signature with two pages of attachments which were time consuming.
The weather was warm.
At noon I ate at my desk, then went to the office supply company on Mission and examined the Royal portable electric typewriters. They carry two of different carriage lengths. They quoted the different prices. I paid my utility bill.
Went home with Betty at 5.30.
Prepared and ate dinner and washed dishes.
Typed in my journal from about 10.00 to 12.30. Read newspapers. Ate some toast and salami.
Went to bed at 2.00.