Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-8-61-65 | Month Index
Got up at 9.00.
Prepared breakfast: grapefruit, pancakes, egg, sliced beef.
Viola told me more continued to tell me of activities of people in the Valley.
I washed dishes.
Wasn’t ready when Bob called about 11.20, as I had been slowed up by Viola’s conversation. I took another ten minutes.
At the gate to the parking lot, 2 young men were provided as escorts to Viola to help her in getting across the yard. I took her bags to the clinic we now have back of the stage. Although it was not clear where she would stay during the service as the clinic is used all day.
Though it was open house today, I found a good seat.
When Jim came out, he told of an article coming out Monday. He took an offering, preached on resurrection. Jesus never did anything for Harlem and Watts. Told what he does for the people.
Ragtime played while people danced onstage, including six preachers.
Tim Tupper Jones introduced LA children, who did:
“Get Away,” “Jackleg Preacher,”
Choir and band sang and played.
Kenya Dancers – little girls.
African Dancers
Black Velvet, Do It Again, Smile, We Have Each Other and a song
Dedicated to children.
Join the Church
Touch the altar.
We went downstairs without returning to our seats. I had to go back for my coat and missed Pearl Gray, who was going to give me a ride home. Christians were going home but I didn’t know where the car was. I started to walk, got as far as Divisidero and Turk when the Christians overtook me.
I ate leftovers.
Pressed clothes.
Lay down for half an hour an dozed.
Came back with Christians at about 7.00.
Films had been shown during the break and “Night and Fog” was just ending.
Jim came on the podium. LA people are to return unless they are distributing newspapers. Jim directed the organization of the newspaper distribution. Children are to work after school. Several cars were already being used. Others were called for.
Those who hadn’t written letters were told to write them now. I volunteered to help. One I helped was a 13 year old boy who did very well except for misspellings.
Report on security personnel sent up to the Valley to guard our property. Various young men up for various misdemeanors. Arthur Davis was one, Gary X [Johnson] another. Jim read an excerpt about the printing and distribution of Uskra in Russia. Tom Fitch, George Holsam.
In the midst of this inquiry, Jim took a second offering. The first had been taken while I was helping people write letter.
LA and Bakersfield people left. Jim urges everyone to stay who possibly could to continue delivery of newspapers.
When the LA people left, Jim asked for young people in back to move forward into the first three rows. They were reluctant and slow to obey and he became furious. He was obviously extremely tired and sad because what he does for us is not appreciated by so many.
Danny Beck, Elliott Tardy, Clarence Klingman.
Billy Jones [Dean] had been nasty when asked to work going to bed. Attitude poor on newspaper delivery.
Clarence Klingman won’t obey, talks back. Danny Beck combed hair in sink and won’t clean it out. Hassan Smith and Elliott guilty of same. Barbara Smith, his mother, is said not to give him any structure. Carol Stahl says he sleeps through every service. Jim orders him moved from East House. Jim decided these children should with a toothbrush, soap and water and clean all steps, showers etc. All night adult supervisors, if any trouble do it again tonight.
Emmett Griffith, Jerry Rhea and companion found together in balcony 4.00 in morning of youth groups program, Emmett has very bad attitude though Jim has him in mind for great responsibility, has fervor, potential as bulldozer operator, in p.l. Jim says he must prove himself, because everyone will think this is the way to get privileges. Clara says he is needed in high school as leader. He wanted to be down here. He told him to straighten up and prove himself.
Jerry Rhea admitted his fault, promises to change his behavior. Doesn’t have outside job, his commitment should be stronger.
In a brief meditative period, Jim saved Mabel Johnson from going by a stroke tonight.
The meeting was dismissed at 11.00. I learned from Maude Perkins that Melvin Wideman had been the young man who was so uncooperative about helping Viola last night. Christians left promptly.
I washed dishes.
Ate a little custard pie made by Vernetta and read newspapers.
Went to bed at 2.00.