Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-8-52-53 | Month Index
The weather has been cold and windy though sometimes sunny, for the past few days.
Finished Maggie’s Legal Instructions. The week went well, though Dor helped me with a few details of spacing on the page.
I ate lunch at my old desk. Walked to the bank, deposited my check and got cash.
Dor was still on the ATS. She was having trouble with the system. She had nothing she wanted to turn over to me.
This was Gail Carney’s last day. I understand her husband is taking the Boise assignment. The other secretaries did not let me know if they were taking Gail to lunch and I did not inquire, as I really can’t afford to participate.
I copied on Mag Card the recitation given by Yvette Muldrow in the Temple called “I Beg our Pardon, America” a number of words and phrases I can’t make out. I made corrections including the insertion of a phrase I had missed. This was good practice on the Mag Card.
I phoned for information on the Royal Electric Portable typewriter I want to buy, checking various outlets for the best price. Found that Sears handles one made by Royal, sold under their own name, at a price much better than the “sale price” quoted to me by the store on Mission St.
Betty left half an hour late. She wasn’t going to Marin County tonight. When I got home I took Magnolia’s cart back to her.
Having gotten a late start, I was late with all my activities tonight. I did personal and household chores, washed my hair, prepared and ate dinner and washed my underwear.
Read newspapers. I was so tired I fell asleep while reading. Did not go to bed until 2.30.