Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-8-46-51 | Month Index
Worked most of the morning on the Legal Department Instructions and finished it with very little help from Dor. Then I did two short memos for Maggie.
At lunch I went to the SFSU lecture in the Bicentennial series. The speaker was an educational psychologist X, who spoke on accepting risks in an era of rapid social change. His main thesis was that it is not good for us to demand that every experience be pleasurable.
After lunch I did an express report for Maggie, much work was coming into the office and Dor started to put a contract on ATS for Rita. A revision of a legal instruction I had done previously was requested. Dor was going to do it because of the trouble I had had with the one finished this morning, but because she was so busy she gave it to me.
I had started to work on journal entries but was unable to continue.
Betty waited until the traffic diminished to start home tonight and I continued with my work on the legal instructions. Dor showed me how to get more material on a card which was seemingly full.
Betty and I left at 5.45. She stopped at the post office to mail her income tax return.
I got home at about 6.15.
I ate leftover meat and vegetables, green beans and a salad. I washed and changed clothes.
Christians called about 7.45.
We entered by the back door again. Word was passed around that people with red scarves should take them off, probably because of extra people from LA, some people were still eating. There was considerable confusion perhaps because people were tired from the writing and delivering of newspapers.
At the outset of the meeting Jim indicated we would have a visitor. He said there should be no political words used, such as socialism.
An offering was taken hurriedly.
Jim interviewed Walter Heady, John Birch member, as one of our strongest friends. Heady showed Katanga film concerning UN’s participation in overthrow of Tshombe backed by the Communist bloc.
Question period. Heady attacked income tax, upheld private enterprise. US is no longer operating under constitution. Our troubles are result of socialistic control. p.o.[post office ?] an example. UN is horrible thing. His slogan, “Get us out of the UN.” It is intended to destroy sovereignty of all nations. People like Rockefeller will run the resulting country. “Things don’t happen by accident.” Rockefellers control practically all the big companies. We could have won in Vietnam in any six week period had we been allowed to do it. Henry Kissinger is selling this country down the river. Following fall of UN, a whole string of Communist victories. Rhodesia and the Union of South Africa are not as racists as the press would lead you to think. Communists are having trouble keeping control in Red China. Communism always results in just a few governing and having all the property and masses are kept down.
Heady left at 11.45. Jim: he fights all the forces which are the common enemy. The Rockefellers and IRS. He doesn’t realize that only sharing will prevent big capitalists from running everything. There isn’t any free enterprise in this country. I don’t believe in these politicians. Heady lives more simply than some of the black politicians who claim to be socialists. Jim: The film was all wrong. None of the candidates are any good. Jimmy Carter backing ethnic purity. Abernathy and ML King Sr backing him Andrew Young another black leader selling us out. We need to get ourselves together and sell everything and get our asses over there in the p.l. where we can have freedom.
Some of you are holding back. You’re going to feel so guilty. No one is going to follow us into the jungle. We ought not to be there. We are a people born out of due season. There will be no protection as long as you stay here. Must we wait until we can’t take anything with us?
Jim with great vehemence stated that he did not want those outside to know who he is. We have a pearl of great price which we shall keep from the swine.
Starting to take an offering, he demanded sacrifices. Now is the time to give up houses and lands, husband and wife who won’t stand with you when they come to throw you into a concentration cam. He asked for pledges for another $1000 from those who had already turned in the first $1000. He asked for expensive jewelry, furniture, silver and so on. Some donations of this sort were made. He received no great response from the people who seemed very stolid. By revelation he knew that everyone should give and extra $20. I pledged $20 above my commitment for May.
The newspapers we have been delivering have for the time being prevented the attack which was to be made on us. But the attack will come, sooner or later. We have succeeded in softening it at the present time. Young people were to report downstairs in the dining area for assignments for tomorrow’s delivery which will start at 7.30. The press is to be moved to San Francisco on the weekend.
There were healings.
The service was dismissed at 11.50.
Talked to Phyllis Chaikin. I assumed she was in Redwood Valley, but she told me she is “house nurse” in the LA temple. She said the grandparents thought that it was very strange for a Jewish family — for her to be in LA, Gene in San Francisco and the two children in school in Redwood Valley.
I talked to a few other people downstairs, bought a ticket for the Friday night youth group dinner and entertainment from my caller, Beulah Cavit. I’m still having trouble finding out how to get a new membership card. I saw Yolanda Williams who told me Mike Rozynko was wrong that I had to get a slip from her.
Christians brought me home at 12.30. Vernetta was considerably puzzled by Walter Heady.
I washed dishes.
Read the newspapers.
Went to bed by 2.30.