Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-8-43 | Month Index
We started out very busy this morning. Had no time for journal entries.
In the morning typed two items for Carolyn Thon. In the afternoon, started to type a long Legal Instruction for Maggie.
At lunchtime I walked up to the telephone company office on New Montgomery, Betty Barclay had showed me where it was. I hadn’t known an office was close enough to avoid paying postage. I always mailed checks before. I paid charges for two months. bought stamps at the post office across the street.
Betty stayed an hour to work on her income tax. Then she took me home.
Lavana had dinner ready. We had short ribs with vegetables.
Lavana did the dishes. She had spent the day doing some mending on my underwear.
I phoned Christians to find out if she could get a ride to the Temple tomorrow. Bob, who is still laid off from his job, said he was going in about 9.00, would pick her up.
I worked on my journal starting at 8.30. Finished entries for 1 to 15 July ’75. Proofread the section. As my floor lamp has a frayed cord, my light wasn’t very good and Lavana had none. However she doesn’t read much. She went to sleep.
I quit at 11.30.
Read newspapers.
Went to bed at 1.30.