Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-8-5-6 | Month Index
Betty gave me a ride again.
I got my time card in.
Didn’t have much work in the office, which is usually the same on Fridays. I had one memo, requiring indentation, which I put on the Mag Card.
Wrote on journal entries and wrote a letter praising Jim and the Temple for humanitarian works.
Ate lunch sitting on the PG&E steps, as the day was rather warm.
I checked with Chuck Stiles and phoned several rent-a-car companies about charges for Saturday and Sunday to buy my groceries and take my guests to and from the Temple. The cheapest is about $7.00 a day plus so much per mile and paying for gas used.
Betty Barclay wanted to wait to start home after some of the traffic had disappeared, so she didn’t start home until 5.15.
I went over to see Christians, taking with me the Coop Newsletter, as Vernetta is interested in their bargain prices. I hoped that they would want to drive there tomorrow and would give me a ride. In that case I probably would not rent a car. Vernetta decided they could not go, as Jim had stressed participating in a march and rally for Dennis Banks at Civic Center, starting at 11.00. Seniors could go directly to Civic Center at 1.00. I had an argument with Vernetta about whether I ought to go or not. I claimed I did not have time, as I had to buy groceries and clean my apartment for guests. Also I told her my feet have been giving me trouble. She finally said it was not for her to judge how much anyone can do.
I prepared a meal, ate, and washed dishes.
Typed in my journal from 10.00 to 12.00.
Read until 1.30, when I went to bed.