Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-7-108-111 (PDF) | Month Index
Radio confirmed that Muni not running. Weather was drizzly. I phoned Dor at 8.10 and we agreed that I would take the whole day off, as I have no way to get to work in the afternoon.
The sun came out shortly.
I wrote up journal entries for last two days.
Ate some grapefruit and toast with tuna.
I used the other half of the box of bread mix I had bought on sale at the Coop. Put the bread to rise. I also put a casserole with eggplant in the oven to cook. Baked the bread after it had risen.
Typed in my journal, starting the new section, 1 – 15 July 75.
To Dor I had mentioned the possibility of getting a ride to work with Betty Barclay. Dor spoke to Betty who called me and arranged to pick me up tomorrow.
Ate dinner about 2.00,having some of the newly baked bread and washed dishes.
Ran in the panhandle for fifteen minutes. The sun was out, but it was quite windy.
Slept for a little over an hour.
Had a soft-boiled egg, a tomato and apiece of papaya. Brother Farris came for the Christians. Magnolia and me to take us to service about 7.30. I brought with me my movie camera to turn over to the Temple (an announcement had been made that we wanted to turn in all cameras) and the latest journal section to give to Tim Stoen plus some other materials for him.
The congregation was unusually noisy during the arrangement for rides and announcements.
Lee Ingram answered that tomorrow the Temple newspaper, The Peoples Forum, will be distributed, high school and college, are cleared to stay out of school and adults not gainfully employed will also work on this project. 100,000 papers will be distributed in the greater Bay Area.
Jim gave instructions for behavior on Sunday. A woman columnist will be here. If asked questions, don’t define religious beliefs or politics. Would have been an onslaught to the jugular vein, burned Angela, made difficulties for Goodlett, Brothers and brother-in-law of W. Muhammed set up and put in jail. Jim’s power and wisdom have so far protected us. Don’t give full name. General strike may take heat off us and is ___ to disrupt and bring military in . Deemphasize religion and healing. Don’t call Jim God. Liberator is last name. Don’t get stuck with words commune and socialism. The rich want to break this power used for the poor.
The unions are beginning to see the truth. Teamsters are mad against leadership.
Don’t be paralyzed by anything that happens. Go out by two’s, scatter, follow orders of Stoen, Buford, Kelly [?], and Ingram. He will leave sealed instructions if anything happened to him.
Clap for your leader, You’re not doing me any favor– you’re saving yourself and your children.
The persons immediately after Angela’s visit showed its colors as instruments of capitalism.
Delancey Street was entered last week, broken up.
Jim rehearsed positive questions and answers. Raised from the dead? I’ve seen some that looked mighty dead, don’t call me no Jesus. Ill slug you in the fuckin’ moth.
Say I believe we should help all people who are being persecuted for their political beliefs.
Can you comment? I’m against all forms of X___ opinion.
Jim gave us some details on the enemy reporter who will be here Sunday. She has blonde hair, a Southerner. He arranged for a friendly reporter to be here also. He will write a supportive story if she attacked us. We are to dress conservatively, not to salute, avoid excessive demonstration, stand for no one but our leader.
Jim inveighed against those who are our worst enemies, those who go out from us, they do us more harm than he CIA ever could. He insisted that we should never forget them.
After healings, Jim had the congregation come up to the altar. The meeting was over about 1.00.
Brother Farris took us home,
I read for an hour. Went to bed at 2.30.