Edith Roller – March 21, 1976 – Sunday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-7-70-75 (PDF) | Month Index

Woke up at 9.00 – bathed

Prepared bkfst while the others dressed – for brfst I gave my guests apple juice, hamburger patties, fried eggs, toast, jam, Sanka, carbo milk for the child.

The two children with Lue Ester were two little girls, Lisa Williams and Lawanda Mitchell – I don’t think they’re relatives of hers – Lisa is her only child

Vicki washed the dishes – one of the girls was supposed to help her rinse but I don’t know whether she did or not, as I was dressing

//1 We had some diffic. getting everybody through in the bathroom//

We agreed it would be good to get to the Te early – I had Vicki leave the rest of the dishes – I called a cab – we left at 11.00 – service was scheduled for 12.00

We entered the Te by the back door as we had last night – tho the line was not long, the auditorium was already nearly full – I was given one of the ushers’ seats – I tdidn’t have my head scarf – thought I had lost it during search or sign-in – bought one from one of the women from L.A. who was selling them, as I couldn’t be seen taking offering without one

The serv started at 12.00 – prelim. announcements were made – a telecast was being made downstairs – KGO had wanted to broadcast the “Wire Choir” — those who are trying to lose weight by wiring their teeth

The choir sang

J. introduced the first speaker, Fred Furth, who as an attorney had represented us in the Exam. matter – he is running for State Senator – has always represented liberal causes

Next was Harvey Milk, who, J. sd, had had the courage to back the gay movement –  Milk said he had dedicated his life to building bridges between people – he is running as a State Representative – asked for our backing

J. took an offering by sum – when I came back my seat had been given to someone else – many guests had come in and those of us who gave up our seats were told to come down front and sit on the platform, which I did – it wasn’t comfortable but I/had an excellent view of the rows of distinguished guests and by craning my neck could see the speakers

I had a particularly good view of the young women who presented their African dance and Frances Johnson’s group who presented their dance about conditions on the slave ship

I was particularly interested in watching Angela Davis who was sitting on the front row – she paid very close attention

J. presented a series of speakers:

Dennis Banks is being moved to Oregon where he faces charges – J. said it is likely the Ore. gov. will be more favorable to refusing extradition of him

Willie Brown – expressed his opinion on whom to support for pres – after observing all the candidates his advice was to vote “no” – he spoke about Cesar Chavez and the Labor Re. Bd.

John Maher of the Delancey St. Foundation, a white man

A representative of the nation of Islam.

Sheriff Hongisto was very emotional about the situation which had developed regarding Chief of Police Gain – he spoke of the issue concerning Gain’s banning the Amer. flag from his office, which had been used by the media and the rank and file police to stir up dis-content – he said the press knew about the flags two weeks ago –  he could only speculate what their motive is in revealing it now – he warned he powerful forces were trying to get rid of Gain

J. led the congregation in singing “A Mighty Fortress is Our God,” inviting the audience to pay attention to the way in which we changed the lyrics to indicate that socialism is our god

J. spoke briefly – right away he used the word “shit” saying the Bible is full of it – he joked that he meant that the Bible used a word which was even dierier in their language: “dung” – Hongisto particularly seemed to enjoy this and other cracks about relig. which J. made, for he ran the gamut, i.e. I graduated from a cemetery, I mean seminary

J. then presented Angela Davis – she is slender, with rather light skin and hair, but with an Afro – her voice is soft and her accent cultivated – her scholarly back-ground is obvious

At this point I was offered a seat three rows down

Angela gave a long speech – she said she was grateful for the help given her by the Te – the bulk of her talk was on her work on behalf of prisoners – she gave details about the numerous people in jailon account of their relationship to progressive causes -N. Car. is a particularly bad state – she asked us to wwrite letters and to join a demonstration to be held on Labor Day in Raleigh, N. Car. – she emphasized the neces. of all standing together

J. said we would try to send a delegation to the N. Car. rally – he took an offering, the proceeds to go to the cause of the prisoners for whom she was working – I gave $5.00

J. healed several people while the guests were still present – one woman had a cancer removed from her body

J. dismissed the meeting at 5.30 – the meal was [being] served outside

I got a ride to Hayes St. where I took the bus which came along quickly

Was home at 6.00 – nevertheless had only time to eat – had hoped to press clothes – the eve. mtng was sch’d’d for 7.00

Did not start back until 7.10 – I bro’t Beulah’s blanket which she had forgotten – had found my head scarf at home – had to wait for a bus for 30 mins. – arr’v’d at the Te at 8.00

Serv. had not been in prog. long – testimonials were being heard – J. was on the podium

Rick Cordell tk offering

A group of little girls sang “Git Away” with gestures

J. gave a series of warning, rather than bring the culprits to the floor:

To those in communes who bear tales or tell lies – blood relationship doesn’t
count – “we’re going to see that everyone works out his own plan of salvation”

Those who think they can have affairs with outsiders: write how you’re going
to make recompense

Anyone abusing a child sexually (a man): cease

A minster’s son who has shoplifted, impregnated our seed; you will keep the rules

J. spoke of today’s mtng – Angela had said: Let me count this church my church – we got TV pictures of all the officials today with their hands  up in salute – this represents insurance for the future

After a brief meditation period, J. disms’d mtng, urging all who felt they shd give s’thing, pref. $3.00, to come to the altar – most of the congreg. went up – the mtng was out at 9.30

I talked with one of the L.A. women who had been on the bus last night – she sd. they had never gotten any lodging and had to stay all night on the bus all night

I had a long wait for the Christians – then Vern was held beh. the concession stand until 10.30 – I had a talk with Gene Chaiken, who got himself some bread and peanut butter from the kitchen – he doesn’t mind living and working in the same place, as he gets to appear in court and so on, tho he admitted he doesn’t get any exercise – he missed the agric. work in the p.l. which was the kind of work he would have chosen rather than law had he known more – “but I’m good at the law and this is the way I can serve right now”

Bob sd. he came back for me last night

I got home at 11.00

Finished the dishes

Read nsps

Went to bed at 1.00