Edith Roller – March 16, 1976 – Tuesday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-7-53-54 (PDF) | Month Index

No work came in this morning – I finished putting on MagCard the lists of January and February expenditures – rewrote my letter to Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, as I had made an error in the earlir one

Ate my lunch at my desk

I didn’t feel very well today and thought I might be coming down w/the flu, as my stomach was giving me some trouble – however, it was more likely I was still suffering the results of not having enough exercise on the weekend, and my stomach pain was probably caused by eating the confection given me yesterday by Dor

In the afternoon under Dor’s direction put an attachment to a contract for Giblin in which some complex tabulating had to be worked out

Gail Carney came in to tell me Ron Hartsough was expecting me to work for him too – I told her to let him know I wasn’t feeling well and wanted to go home – Dor advised Gail how to deal w/Hartsough who was intent on getting his own way – Dor informed Beety Vasil – I didn’t hear

At home I exercised

For dinner ate mostly leftovers and finished early

Typed in journal from 9.00 to 11.30, doing 6 pages

Mended a blouse and put a hem in a skirt

Read Roszak for an hour

I took a bath – It was late and I was very tired so for the first time I didn’t finish with cold water

Went to bed at 2.00

anything further from Hartsough