Edith Roller – March 5, 1976 – Friday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-7-14-16 (PDF) | Month Index

For the third time this week I overslept or got up late and so didn’t have breakfast.

The office was in a state of bedlam most of the day.  Both computers were busy all day and several people came in to put documents on ATS.  Dor took Kate Walker to task for using the computer for correspondence.  Kate has difficulty with some office procedures and I believe didn’t know how she should have used MagCard instead.  There was no meeting of the minds between the two and Dor referred her to Betty Vasil whom Kate did contact.  Betty came down to talk over the matter with Dor but I didn’t know the outcome.

Maggie brought corrections for the powers of attorney documents but Dor had me wait to do that, as I was assigned first to a long memo from Phil Bernal on a revision of a purchasing form to be put on MagCard.  While I was waiting to get instructions on that I balanced my checkbook.

Bernal’s memo was a revision of a draft and was in very haphazard form.

I spent most of the morning on it and during the afternoon had to make corrections and revisions in it which involved techniques I had not sufficiently mastered.  I became nervous trying to get it done by closing time and a little irritated with Dor’s instructions.

In addition to working hours overtime, against Betty’s wishes, Dor takes a self-sacrificing attitude which I find unnecessary and harmful.  She eats lunch at her desk, never goes out and I find doesn’t even go to the bathroom when she needs to.  Late in the afternoon her feet begin to swell, a condition she acknowledged was probably brought on by not going to the bathroom.

I was most annoyed when she pushed me to finish Bernal’s memo, even if I had to stay overtime.  I was finally allowed to stop only when Bernal’s secretary informed us the memo would not be prepared for distribution anyway.

I was most disturbed because I did not have time to learn the new MagCard techniques and no time for a break in order to do a few personal tasks.  I did eat lunch at my old desk and I put my peanut plant which Lor had given me in a pot lent to me by Dor.

I left the office half an hour late.

I exercised.

Prepared and ate dinner and washed dishes. Spent the evening hours catching up on journal entries. Read newspapers for an hour.

Went to bed at 2:00.