Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-7-4-5 (PDF) | Month Index
Had to make corrections on the Garb workload and run it off again.
Dorothy felt better. She worked on the Word Processing Center reports which Betty is eager to get.
I ate my lunch at my old desk which had not been moved. Both Bob and John were out and it was quiet. Borrowed a SF Chronicle from Lora to read the editorial page and some of the crime stops. I put in a subscription to the SF Examiner as requested by Jim, but have not found it on the doorstep yet. Herb Caen’s column had an item concerning Jim. Caen said he was modest and soft-spoken and would not like to have the item appear.
Maggie Fleming brought in a big job which listed in chart form the people having power of attorney on behalf of Bechtel. Dor worked out the requirements then had me start to put the input on MagCard at the ATS machine. I worked on it for a couple of hours in the late afternoon.
At home I exercised.
Leo McActahy returned my income tax forms. According to his calculations, I should get $114.74 back on my federal tax (without my medical expenses he said I would have owed about $54) and $82.02 from the state.
Prepared and ate dinner and washed dishes.
I proofread my journal entries for 1 to 16 June and made calendar entries.
Again, “In Conversation” was not on the air.
Read Roszak.
Went to bed at 1.30.
as even the best-intentioned publicity can be detrimental.
Northern California got heavy rain and snow yesterday and temperatures were very low.